Never split the difference, brief book review
A few days ago I finished reading “Never split the difference“, by Chris Voss. I of course don’t claim to be an expert at all in negotiation, but this is a great book. Although the author has an extensive background in hostage situations, kidnappings, etc. the advice and lessons in the book are no doubt very apt to be applied in all areas of life, whether in the workplace or also on one’s personal and family life. It borrows quite a lot from behavioral and neuro science areas without getting geek or scholarly, which is why it applies to almost any situation. In fact, it is not only a book on negotiation, you could say it is a very good sales book.
I almost don’t want to other people to read it and keep that competitive edge for myself – that being said, of course gaining that edge require practicing the skills mentioned a lot, especially for real time execution.
A reader took the trouble to actually write down their notes on this list which basically gives you a very good view of the distilled advice in the book. It is, in fact, a very good idea to do this with book notes. I tend to write a lot on books, but this keeps the notes handy, more actionable and more easily reviewed when you don’t have the book at hand, which is quite often. I commit to do this myself for the best books I read.
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